A vital step in the home selling process is to have your home inspected by a professional home inspection company. These individuals are trained to scrutinize every inch of a home for sale to ensure that it is in line with the home regulations in Myrtle Beach. This inspection process can be very intimidating and frustrating for the home seller, especially if they are unaware of what to expect or what the inspector will be examining.
Industry experts have identified over 33 physical problems that home inspectors investigate during the inspection. If a home seller is unaware of these issues and has not taken steps ahead of time to ensure they meet expectations, the inspection and subsequent repair costs can result in a loss of thousands of dollars and major delays in the sale of a home.
Don’t Get Trapped in These 11 Costly Home Inspection Problems!
The best way to avoid getting surprised by a poor inspection is to prepare for it ahead of time. That means home sellers like you need access to insider information concerning the problems that home inspectors will look for during the inspection. To help you with that, a special report has been prepared that lists all of the common problems and details exactly what home sellers should do about them before the inspection and potential sale of the home.
Both old homes and new homes are going to have a variety of issues that may not meet the requirements of the home inspector. If a home seller does not take action to correct these problems before the home inspection, the home may not pass. There are 11 common home inspection problems that all home sellers should be aware of, and a special report developed by real estate professionals has identified them. If you are considering selling a home in Myrtle Beach, be sure to read this report carefully.
At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – TMS Real Estate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, our real estate agents advise that you should not wait until the home inspection report flags any issues in your home before you are able to sell it. In most cases, waiting will result in costly delays in finalizing the sale of a home, or the worst case scenario is that the flagged items actually turn away prospective homebuyers completely. This could derail your real estate plan.
Complete Your Own Pre-Inspection
To be successful in the real estate market, it is imperative that you are proactive at all stages, including the home inspection. In order to avoid those costly delays or a failed attempt to sell a home in Myrtle Beach, our real estate agents at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – TMS Real Estate recommend completing a pre-inspection on your own.
Using the report “11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection” as a guide, you can work to identify any potential problems that an inspector may flag and correct them before they make it to an official inspection report. This critical step can save you time and thousands of dollars. It can be the reason that your small issues do not grow into major and unmanageable problems.
Access the Inspection Report for FREE
At Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – TMS Real Estate, our real estate team is offering home sellers like you FREE and instant access to this report, “11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection” because our goal is to help you succeed in the home selling process. All you need to do is fill out the form below and you will have the report delivered to you instantly.
We are offering this access to you absolutely free and with no obligation or commitment to sell a home. Our team at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty – TMS Real Estate simply wants you to be aware of all of the issues that may manifest themselves during a home inspection and to be prepared for them.
For more information or to talk to one of our real estate agents directly, contact us here or give us a call at (843) 438-7043.