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Be Sure To Ask About Our VIP Corporate Card

Here at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty-TMS real estate I sold more homes this year than other agents in the area and for more money. We have over 6,000 people in my database of past clients and friends. Our VIP corporate card is given to my past clients as holiday gifts and as a closing gift for all our past and future home buyers.
When my clients receive our VIP corporate card all they have to do is download the app and enter their code to activate it. It is a hard plastic card just like a credit card. It will be loaded with discounts from local businesses in our community. (that’s where you come in)
Each business can determine a special or discount they would like to offer to their customers. Example: Papa John’s offers a 25% discount, Enterprise up to 30% off, Sherwin Williams 20%, etc.
If interested, all I would need from you is your company logo & discount offered!
Email, and we will send you the FREE sign-up email.